Advertsing Dove

 Advertising Dove "Leaves the skin feel softer than ever "

Dove Body wash for women  in this advert it is selling the Dover Body wash creme and it compares Dove with different products and shows the outcome that other products have on the Body and how Dove Body wash for women leaves a fresh feeling and is healthy for the body.
"Our Proven Best care" is the slogan used in the advert with the openining title" we invited real women to try Dove body wash". The advert appeals to all women of all ethnicty as the advert has women of different ethnic backgrounds and Dove is different to a perfume advert as it is more realsitc it has women of all shapes and sizes and women who are not glamourised ; perfume adverts the women used have had makeup and hair done and wear heavy clothing in comparison to the dove adverts which reveal a feeling of natarul products to reprsent a clean fresh feeling which is how the dove product leaves the women feeling.There is a white background and the women are all wearing white gowns to represent the white bottle and the colour of the body wash . Dove Adverts dont have a siginificant narrtavie it just shows that dove helps to protect the skin and makes is beautiful and this allows the audience to undertsand this by reinforcing the values that dove has through real people who are more likely to use these products.

Dove Camera Shy
Secondly this Dove "Camera Shy " Commercial created in 2013 this Advert is different to the first Advert of "Dove Body Wash for women" as first it starts off with a female sitting on her bed and the recordings are taken from young youths who are camera shy however the difference of this commercial is that the young youths are camera shy but the younger children are not camera shy they are seen playing and not hiding from the camera the commerical consists mainly of young adults however we see videos of a few older women and this shows to the audience that Dove is for everyone .

Dove Compressed Print Advertisement

This adverty is a print advertisment showing the compressed dove deaodrant the advert also contaions a statement saying "I love it because my skin looks softer than before" there is two deodrants in the advert one which the womnen is holidng and one in the corner . There is a white background and the mise en scene shows the women wearing a white t-shirt to combine with the actual product which is a white deodrant and the fact that the deoadrant is used on the skin allows the audience to no the benefits of the product because thee women is showing her body - her arms .
This is different to the adverts shown previously as they show the view points of real life people where as this advert breaks down the commerecial and shows what the product is and who the product is for - the use of a female avdvertising the product and not a famous person or a celebritiy to advertise the product.

"Your face says it all"; this statement is used in the dove advert for men which is a short commercial created in grey to combine with the product which deodrant is different to the female product which is a grey bottle therefore the commercial is created in grey and starts with the slogan shown and this appeals to the male audience as the man is waking up and starting his day to day activities ; with his wife and at work . Slogans that are shown are "feel hydrated" this connects with the male ego and male aspcets . "Non Greasy" also this adverts has the female touching the mans face and the man smiling and the small child also touching his dads face. This advert is different to the previous adverts as firstly there is a change in the colour scheme and the advert is more masculine.

Dove Men care : risk of malfunction
This is a video which shows the process in which the dove deodrant protevt the man from non sweating the video shows a short story of the tasks carried out that result in sweating such as : stadauim is shown in the advert as well as the advert starts with a book which states "the man manul - modern man"which opens and shows movements made by the man and how the man smells his armpits and there is obnoxius smells and this is revealed through the fact that the mans arm falls off this is simialr to the previous dove advert as it is also in grey refelecting the deaodrant colour and male aspcets the adverts location is in a changing room where there is high chances that the man will sweat after day to day activities the deoadrant shows that it stops sweating and makes the man feel comfortable as at the end of the advert it shows a girl and boy drawn out laughing at the man .

Perfume adverts vs Toileterties
The key differences between perfume adverts and toileteries is that firstly there is signifcant difference with the fact that Perfume adverts have been created with a large quantiy of money and often use celebebrities this is evident in the coco chanel advert where Keira Knightley is used and in comparison to toiletires adverts that use avergage women to make the advert seem more realistic this is due to the fact that the toiletires advert will appeal to far more greater wider audience as it is a neccessary item for all day to day actvities and is used almost every day by women and men therefore the advert is simple and shows the outcomes of the product as the product has health benefits leaving the skin soft and supple and stops the process of sweating, the Perfume advert however appeals more to the eltist as the perfumes are often high branded and at a cost of £85.00 or £90 this is evident in the Dior Advert and Chanel No.5 in comparioson to the Toiletiries advert which the deodrant only costs £1.99 and is often seen on Billboards / Buses in areas in which brands such as Coco Chanel and Dior will not be shown this is the compariosn between perfume adverts and toiletires adverts that they are photo shopped the women wear several amounts of makeup and the perfume advert is far more glamourised and there is so much going on in the video but the toiletires adverts even the print adverts and the male adverts are plain and simple the women in the Dove body wash for women advert are wearing white clothing and are all modern working women .The budget of the perfume adverts cost far more than toiletrites adverts

The key differences between the men and women toiletires advert is that firstly they both are plain and simple the male adverts are in grey and the female adverts are white backgrounds and show the outcome that the body cream and dove products have on women and the statements made by women and how the dove cream makes them feel stating that it makes their skin feel softier than ever this is comparioson to the male adverts as they are short and have the men showing activities that he gets up to waking up in the morning going to work and carrying out the role of a man and the advert shows that the man needs protection on his face and under arms in order for him to feel happy and makes the smile as shown in the Dove creme advert for men. Secondly the theory that "negative stereotype in to a positive" the sterotype view of men is that they smell and look rough however the Advert for men shows the positive stereotype of men . Furthemore the media advert which will show these toiletries advert is ; all channels because the deodrant appeals to everyone . The perfume adverts such as ; Chanel , Gucci , Dior will show on Channels for the Eltists as they are the target audience. The dove Deodrant claims to protect for 24hours where as the perfume is a scent aimed to attrcat the opposite sex and make the person wearing the perfume feels sexy and feel amazing as shown in the advert.Dove is about making people feel protected and comfortable ready for the day for 24 hours protection whereas perfumes are gifted on occasions and last 8-9 hours and are mostly worn on occasions and to work but for the purpose of good feeling not protection its personal desires.

This image shows the Target Market for Dove

This is what a dove deodrant is set out to do its created to be simple and get the message out to the target audience that the deadraont does its job and protects as the advert shows the women lifting her armpit and again wearing white and the use of green represents the freshness with the white top showing freshnes and the women smiling represents how the women feels .

These Images comapre the prices of each product it shows the small prices dove offers and the costs of one bottle of Chanel perfume therfore this refelected in the adverts which are less costly and use real life day to day women to assure the audeicne the power of the deodrant and its main purpose is to give maxuim protection and Coco Chanel is for attraction.The video posted Below shows the glamourastaion of the advert and the main purpose of a perfume is to attract this is evident in the perfume advert and the clothing used in the advert are high quality and expenisve where as the dove adverts have clothing which is of a low cost to represent that the Dove deoadrant is affordable and women and men should feel comfortbale in their own skin and clothing this is evident in the wide range of women used - black women are used in the Dove adverts not just white women therefore this represents a wide range of target audience.

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