The Girl with a dragon tattoo - Genre
This Film was released in 2011 it is based upon a Journalist named Mikael Blomkvist is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing for forty years by Lisabeth Salander, a young computer hacker the storyline has been referred to as a mystery as they are unraveling crimes that have taken over the 40 years .
Genre conventions of the Film
- Horror - Killing & Crimes take place isolated island
- Mystery Drama - 40 years Missing Girl Harriet on an isolated island and family differences .
- Crime - Murder / serial Killing / Sexual Offences
I personally believe that this film is a mystery crime drama this is largely due to the fact that the film has aspects which lead me to believe this ; the strong conventions of Crime used with the sound and location of the film - the film is created in an isolated location on an island where only family members live and the location also reveals thriller through the location with conventions of - wood and dark surrounding and the weather conditions are very poor and high weather conditions which indicate the type of genre conventions .
The film indicates a genre of horror through the setting of the film ; isolated area on an island where network connections are difficult to be found as seen when Daniel Craig tries to call Lisabeth but the connection is incredibly weak .
The setting also reveals dark woods and a forest where hunting takes place suggesting a theme of Horror. Furthermore the setting of this film allows the audience to recognize the type of genre that it is through the storyline as the film is associated with a missing girl who to the audience anything could have happened she could have been murdered in the woods that the film reveals or the bridge that runs through the island .
This reveals a horror genre to the audience through the setting as the cold marshy environments allow them to understand the film is a cold blooded horror films the weather reveals the mood of the film.
Technical codes
the technical codes that have been used in this film is high and low angle shots to connotation of fear this is visible when a high and low angle shot is shown in the scene where Daniel Craig is shot in the head and is running through the woods this creates a feeling of suspense. POV shots are visible in this film to reveal the feelings of the victim and the feeling of the monster this reveals the type of genre as it shows the emotions and builds the character personality . POV shots are shows - Rape scene - Lisabeth and career the close up shows the evilness and level of horror through the actions of the career and the facial expressions.
Dress codes -dark clothes Lisabeth wears black clothes dressed as punk and has piercings in her face and has tattoos she has dark bold eyes which are black revealing the theme of film -horror through clothing as black is associated with thriller. black symbolizes death and symbolizes danger . Genre is shown through the dark colours and linkages to evil , bloof and danger the objects used to signify the genre is ; weapons , maks and supernataral and regious items this is evident in the film where relgious quotes are quoted from the bible in the film .
The Genre that this film has been referred to is a crime, thriller and mystery drama this can be due to the way the Film has been created with the fact that the film storyline is based upon investigating a murder which leads to a crime because many women’s lives have been taken away and it could be classified as a mystery drama as the crimes have taken place yet no one knows who did the crime. The Genre conventions that this particular film has is that firstly the symbolic conventions which imply a thriller film which is first the clothing used in the film; Lisabeth slander is a journalist who is unique her clothing and style reveal a punk style she has a dragon tattoo and her hair is sharp and reveals her personality it makes the audience think who is this character and how can they help to resolve a mystery. Secondly this can be compared to Daniel Craig who is different to the female character who dresses in an ordinary sense.
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