The Narrative Structure of Chanel advertisements is that firstly the advertisements unfolds questions within the commercial - "who is she " this is evident in the Chanel No.5 commercial and the Mademoiselle perfume adverts. The Narrative Structure that the Commerical shows in firstly the Mademoiselle perfume adverts shows the female driving a bike and entering a building where there is male on the window bay looking down at her there we see a birds eye view shot the mans views the women in his eyes , then we see the women completing her work ; suggesting that she is a model and the photographer taking images of her is trapped by her inner beauty and seductivness causing him to fall for the model therefore the connation shows the power of female how the male is running aftter the model and when she drives away he feels betrayed .
Kiera Knightley is seen riding a bike in the advert and is also seen as the only female riding the bike along side suggesting strong female represtantion of power how the perfume draws the attention of males , And how Keira rides the bike just like the males in fact she replicates the males and this shows the modernastations of females how they are not longer classified as sexual objects as they was reffered to sexual objects during the 1960s there is now a huge change which is evident in the Chanel advert .
Chanel Billboard Vs Chanel Magazine Advertisment .
Chanel Billboards focus on the Perfume specifically and advertise the product ; This is Visible as The Billboard shows "CHANEL" in Capital letters and the Product name "Coco Mademoissele" there is also a model alongside the perfume . The difference between the perfume and Magzine is that it is mainly aimed so that when customers are driving it catches their attention they need to be able to see the product name ; Driving at speed or whilst in traffic the name of the product will appeal to the target audience therefore the bottle is increase in size and the name is larger . In comparison to the Magazine article which is a full A4 page of the model and a close up of her eyes with the perfume which is of a smaller size to the billboard in fact it is the exact size and the font of the Chanel perfume is the right corner smaller as the reader will be able to get a closer view where as the Billboard is desighned for the target audience eye catching and attract their full attention . The magazine uses bright colours to contrast with the clothing and outline the perfume colour and describe its fragrance through the soft creme rich colours.
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