Genre Theory


Conventions of Perfume adverts  : 
·         Lighting
o   Bright
o   Many use of spotlights, beams of light entering a dark environment
o   Protagonist shimmers of light and sparkles
·         Clothing
o   Elegant dresses / Sexualised clothing can be revealing clothing
o   Sophisticated jewellery but simple depending on fragrance and target audience
o   Posh colours e.g. cream, purple, white - Posh colours can represent the scent and Target Audience for example Posh colours can be aimed at Higher class audience with perfumes such as Chanel .
·         Setting
o  Beaches
o   Hotels / City Buildings
o   Historic buildings
·         Characters
o   Attractive women / Men
o   Able to show a variety of expressions
o   Good figure - Strong Pyschial female - Keira Knightley
·         Narrative
o    male figure controlling woman’s actions
o   The feelings shown when women use such perfumes
·         Camera Angles
o   Close up of facial expressions and body parts
o   Long shots to show setting and effect
o   Medium close up to show part of woman’s actions
o   At times hand held camera to follow woman’s movements between scenes
o   Low angle to create connotations of power and dominance
o   High angle/ birds eye shot to show the setting. 

This is a magazine article which demonstartes the target audience for the adverstisement : Chanel Perfume ,
This Perfume Advert Article reviews the fact that : KeiraKnightleys perfume advert was banned on childrens TV programmes . This can emphasise the fact that the target Audience of the perfume advert is an older genration as there is an indication to some sexualastion within the Advert therfore this can suggest the reason for the banning and also it can identify the target audience .


                                      Chanel VS Dior

Chanel Adverts share comparisons to Dior Perfume Adverts as firsly Dior Perfume Adverts ; J`adore Dior is more glamoursied and the female inner beauty is more visible in comparison to Chanel adverts which show less but portay more. For example in the Chanel commercial the Female model used ; Keira Knighley is covered up mostly but there is still sexual connotation to the clothing and body language, however it is different to the Dior Adverts as the female is the centre of attention clothing in gold clothing and heavy jewellery and revealling outfits this is shown in the advert - J`adore the female wears an open back dress which is very low. This in comparison to Chanel Mademoiselle perfume is different as the clothing is full and the female is appeared as the leading role. However this perfume advert portays the female to be sexualised with the clothing and there is a male fixing the females dress in the dior advert showing the power females have .

Chanel and Dior adverts are targeted at the Elites, this is evident in the Commercials - Chanel Adverts have used top rated models and actresses and have made their adverts aimed specifically at the Elitists. Firstly this is evident in the cost per bottle which is £85 and the perfume advertisement is less glamourised. It is more classy and posh therefore it reflects the target audience, this is similar to Dior adverts which is also aimed at the Elitists as the cost per bottle is £92.50 . The Commercial represents the scents and fragrances that the perfume shows ; the Dior advert is more glamourised and shows more faces of females. There is close up of the females face and body as well as her posture when she is walking down the Catwalk .

Both perfume adverts are created to attract their target audience into buying the product but both use different methods . Chanel adverts are created in a sophisticated way to change the negative stereotype of women as women are seen as the dominant power. Dior adverts show women to reveal their inner beauty but to still be in control, evident in the different roles showed in the ads.

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